Here we are, nineteen to twenty days before Christmas day, depending on your time zone, and what are we doing? Well, some of us are engaging in that highly productive debate on whether to say “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays.” Sure, because we prefer that over running around to finish out our <<insert-word-here>> shopping; or decorating the house, <<insert-word-here>> tree included; or addressing, stamping and mailing <<insert-word-here>> cards; or getting our homes ready for all the relatives coming over <<insert-word-here>> day—among all the other crazy things we do this time of year.
I opt to not engage in this debate. I would hate to get hung up on semantics and miss out on the joy and spirit those words are meant to beckon. In fact, I’ll defend your right to say it however you want to. Do keep this in mind, however: if you elect to say “Happy Holidays,” remember that “Holidays” means Holy days.

If you unpack the spiritual meaning of that word, Holy, and you prepend it with “Happy,” you may find yourself having to meet a much higher threshold than if you stick to “Merry Christmas.”
However you choose to say it, I hope this season brings you a time of reflection, peace and joy as you make special memories with your family and loved ones. I hope you do indeed have a “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holy days.” Heck, I’ll even throw in a “Happy New Year!!!”
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