Though I know I didn’t announce it, I decided to release Voice of the Mute Tales, Volume 2, a collection of 3 short stories portraying slices and vignettes from the life of a boy growing up in Cuba. Semi-autobiographical in nature, these episodes relay some of my experiences as a young Cuban boy making my way in an oppressive society, and looking forward to a life of freedom in a not so distant land. I hope reading these stories gives you a slight glimpse of what life was like for me and my family back so long ago, and yet, just yesterday.
Incidentally, if up to now you’ve been wondering what this “Voice the Mute” is all about, you may find part (or all?) of the answer in the first story in this collection by the same name.

As I release this short-story collection, I am struck by the influence my parents had on me growing up. Since today is mother’s day, I hope these three stories also serve as a small tribute to the faithfulness and care both Mom and Dad showed me and my brother in our earliest formative years and carrying through to today. Love you Mom. Love you Dad.
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