Frustrated, confused, and misled by simplistic copy-paste “Us-Them” political labels like Left-vs.-Right, Conservative-vs.-Progressive, or even Libertarian-vs.-Liberal? Me too. After throwing up my hands for years, a thought occurred to me, yielding the 3D diagram below. I could spend many words explaining it. Instead, I’ll let you ponder it and, after careful consideration, let me know what you think in the comments section.

Political Space in 3D, © Eduardo Suastegui
Summary Axes Descriptions
Wealth vs. Welfare:
1. Take wealth from some to give to others, so that some can improve their lot at the expense of others
2. Grow wealth while empowering equal opportunity so all can improve their financial lot
[State] Control vs. [Individual] Freedom
1. Concentrate power in the hands of a few for the [intended/alleged] benefit & protection of the many
2. Free the many to direct their own lives, with strictly necessay safeguards to protect the rights of others
Preservation vs. Innovation, the tension between:
1. Maintaining the structure & values needed for societal stability
2. Enabling the latitude to innovate and improve socioeconomic institutions
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