Well, after some consternation, Decisive Moment made the July 15th release! This will be my first full length novel simultaneously released through the Kindle distribution channel.
Here’s a brief synopsis. Enjoy!
Decisive Moment:
Fine-art photographer Roger Morris should not have taken a paparazzo job to fill in for his loser brother. He shouldn’t have used his military training to pick a perfect sniper’s perch from which to aim his telephoto lens at movie star Vivian Matisse and her Mexican cartel boyfriend, and he shouldn’t have photographed them murdering her movie producer. Now Roger must decide whether to turn the photos over to the police or sell them to the highest bidder so he can pay off his brother’s violent bookie. Through what follows Roger will struggle to hold on to his new life as an artist, suspecting that as he runs out of options, the only way out traces along the barrel of his sniper rifle.

Decisive Moment, Kindle edition
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