Author Archives: Eduardo Suastegui

Short story: Active Shooter

I’ve just posted new short story titled Active Shooter. Check it out and let me know what you think. Synopsis: Andre Esperanza graples with the unwanted fame his intervention to halt a terrorist attack brings him. He reluctantly grants a network interview, only to have the reporter snoop into parts of his life he’s long […]

Creativity and its Creator

Lately I am increasingly facing the realization that for evidence of a Creator I need look no further than my own creativity. Oh, I’ve read a fair share of books presenting this or that other apologetic. Given my engineering background, the design argument used to hold a lot of appeal. All of those arguments seem […]

Inspiration and Spanish Omelettes

A few days back, while writing a chapter for one of my in-work novels, my protagonist cracked some eggs, diced and whipped up a few ingredients and cooked a Spanish Omelette. Well, add this to the things I love about writing: I finally got the courage to cook up one of these. Add this also […]

What we read and how we read it

I just read another article about the pros and cons of reading printed books vs. e-readers. Actually, it’s a head-to-head column worth the read, but which in the end leaves me as dissatisfied as prior, well, reading experiences. And that’s a nice segue-way, because that’s essentially where the column places the focus — on the […]

Find that driving Voice

Haven’t you heard? Agents are looking for writers with a strong voice. As I shop and submit my work through the usual wickets, I keep reading statements like that and have to wonder whether we’re hearing — and reading — voices in all the wrong places. Why do I say that? One simple statement guides […]

A thousand words and word pictures

A colleague once told me that while it may be true a picture is worth a thousand words, a bad picture causes a million questions. This and my exploration of story-telling through imagery, namely photography, and creative writing, with a mixture of essays — mostly about photography — and fiction has led me upon more […]

Short story: Emergence

I’ve just posted new SciFi short story titled Emergence. Check it out and let me know what you think. Synopsis: Two cognizant, self-aware expeditionary robots descend to earth on an expedition to recover lost records and other archeological evidence that may shed light on their origins. Their directive precludes them from contact with the remnant […]

Launching the Eduardo Suastegui Writing site

Well, I finally broke down and decided that in addition to my photography site, I am up to managing another website, this time focusing on my writing efforts, which, who knows, may turn into a bit more than a passtime. As time and keystrokes give way to sentences, paragraphs and completed pieces, I will post […]