Author Archives: Eduardo Suastegui

Does BRAND matter for the writer/author?

Back when I was chasing success in the photography business, I ran across a lot of discussions about BRAND (yes, I need to shout it, sorry). Yes, everyone claimed. You need it in order to be a successful artist. My issue with the concept? There seem to be as many definitions of BRAND as there […]

When the story writes itself

I’m having a lot of fun pounding out the first draft of Decisive Moment. I love it when it works like this, all the details falling into place as I type, the characters coming to live and interacting and/or going at each other all on their own, and all I have to do is keep […]

My debut novel, DEAD BEEF, now available for Kindle

My debut novel, DEAD BEEF, is now available as an eBook for the Kindle platform. Click through to read a synopsis or check out the look inside preview. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of it. The company Cyberwarfare pioneer, Martin Spencer, founded wasn’t supposed to fire him. Spencer knows too much and […]

Does length matter as much for fiction eBooks?

Place this post in the thinking outloud category to consider this question: does book length matter as much when publishing an eBook vs. print publications? I ask this because as I sought publication of my first novel, DEAD BEEF, through normal publication channels, I learned that when it came to length it shouldn’t be too […]

Novel: DEAD BEEF coming out on Kindle

Just wanted to get the word out that my novel, DEAD BEEF is coming out on Kindle in a few days. (Update: it’s been out for quite a while now!) Here’s a brief synopsis… The company Cyberwarfare pioneer, Martin Spencer, founded wasn’t supposed to fire him. Spencer knows too much and can do far too […]

How does this story end? Escalate

Whether you’re like me and don’t outline your stories or you outline them to the last detail, if you don’t know how your story ends, you have a lot of head-scratching coming. Lately not knowing how my story ends has bothered me a great deal. I think I have that great hook of a beginning, […]

Voice of the Mute Tales, now available for Kindle

I’m super excited to announce my first Kindle eBook, a collection of 3 short stories. If you have a Kindle device or the Kindle reader app for any of your hand-held devices, go check it out at: Voice of the Mute Tales, Volume 1 I appreciate the support, and don’t forget to leave a review […]

Short Story: Barbershop

Mom stuffs the grocery list, the coupon book and money into my shirt pocket and hands me the scratchy burlap sack for lugging the goods home. Before going to the market, I best get to the barbershop, she says and adds that my hair has gotten long, so the haircut has to happen today, and […]

The Constant Editor

While reading someone else’s writing do you stop at a sentence to edit it in your head so it reads better? Does it ever rankle you when two sentences in a row use passive voice? Do you chop out unnecessary wordiness? Do you reword tired cliches into more clever, snappy phrases? If so, you might […]

A draft’s second wind

This morning I went back to my old computer files to dust off one of my draft novels. I’d put it off for fear of seeing the depths of my ineptitude when I last gave this writing thing a try only to give up in dejected frustration. I learned a few things. First, man, that […]