Monthly Archives: June 2018

The Complexities of Splitting Families at the US-Mexico Border

Two days ago, I wrote to condemn the Trump-Sessions policy that splits families at border crossings, referencing in passing the distressed world that has led us to this juncture. This messiness deserves a follow-up discussion. As some have (through conflation) pointed out, the housing of children is not a new practice. It happened, however, under […]

A Not So Happy Father’s Day at the US-Mexico Border

As I hear the stories of immigrant parents separated from their children at the US-Mexico border, I can’t help but be torn. On the one hand I want laws enforced, the integrity of our border protected, and humane, well-controlled immigration. The Rule of Law, foundational to this nation and essential to its continued survival and […]

Climbing Mount Equality ~ A Modern Parable

One hundred people stand at the base of one of the world’s tallest mountains. They have all been given equal access to the trail heads. No one is getting blocked. Yet, even before the climb begins, more than a few of them suspect they will never reach the peak. Some folks are simply better suited […]

Does Equality of Outcome Pass the Giggle Test?

Many of us giggled and grinned as, on our way into a marathon expo, we passed an exhibit above which a banner dared one and all to “Run Like an Ethiopian.” Under that banner, one fit city dweller stood on a treadmill, at the ready, his waist fitted with a belt attached to a sling […]